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Due to the Brexit, we have adapted our operation and incorporated changes that might be of your interest, as listed below:
Price list: New UK price list aligned to the new taxation system; the VAT tax has been removed from the prices. The UK VAT might be charged to your order by the customs authorities upon its arrival in the UK.
Customs: In orders, particularly, over 135 £ you may have to pay the due UK VAT according to the new Customs standards in the UK. Please, considere that the UK Customs has rigths reserved and may charge taxes in orders under 135 £.
Shipping: The process of your order has slightly changed. Now, it will pass through customs, before and after getting into UK territory. This can affect the shipping time; we recommend you to schedule your orders with time. Ask for your tracking number so you can manage the shipping of your order, and if necessary, pay the due custom amount.
Commissions: The payment of commissions generated in European territory have been modified. As of January 1st of 2021, the new withholding of personal income tax (PIT) is 24%
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultricies pharetra ipsum, sed vehicula neque. Nullam fermentum est tellus, vel viverra neque laoreet et. Nulla ut urna eget lacus facilisis auctor non nec quam. Nam ut mi sit amet metus ultrices pellentesque ac nec felis. Maecenas et malesuada felis, nec rhoncus metus. Aenean vitae ex a orci semper tincidunt. Suspendisse in lacus porttitor, tempus eros vitae, aliquet magna.
Phasellus lobortis vitae ipsum quis sollicitudin. Duis tristique rhoncus malesuada. Morbi quis turpis elementum, elementum lectus eget, vestibulum purus. Cras a vestibulum ante. Integer eget nibh id magna ullamcorper aliquet. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu ultricies tortor. Praesent tincidunt nulla sed leo faucibus dignissim. Nulla efficitur auctor mi ac elementum.
Quisque porttitor condimentum lacus. Morbi consequat finibus accumsan. Integer blandit eros urna, eget hendrerit nisi auctor sit amet. Duis vitae lectus nec arcu venenatis luctus sed at ipsum. Nunc ac velit dictum, cursus magna vitae, scelerisque est. Duis ornare lectus at elit venenatis, eget semper tellus elementum. Quisque vestibulum nibh tortor, ut maximus velit ornare ut. Morbi neque sem, convallis vitae sollicitudin vitae, tincidunt quis justo. Donec cursus mauris vel metus rhoncus mollis. Suspendisse rutrum, quam at rutrum lobortis, tortor urna congue sem, in tincidunt lacus urna eget tellus. Ut orci elit, pulvinar ut elit varius, aliquam hendrerit justo. Maecenas sed metus at augue aliquam egestas eu in nulla. Phasellus vitae malesuada dui. Quisque ultrices est ut nisi imperdiet gravida. Quisque tincidunt iaculis est, in sollicitudin nibh.
Nunc id eleifend lectus, non mollis purus. Quisque eu tincidunt ante. Donec enim felis, convallis sodales imperdiet quis, interdum eu sapien. Nulla vitae augue a nisl aliquet fringilla. Phasellus lectus felis, ornare vel varius eu, ultricies ac ligula. Donec ullamcorper odio rhoncus, placerat urna vitae, efficitur quam. Aliquam justo arcu, varius vel diam et, mollis posuere ex. Mauris a quam vitae orci convallis blandit vel ac ligula.
Morbi tempus eros ut sem gravida auctor. Proin non ipsum bibendum, mollis eros a, mattis quam. Morbi tincidunt at nunc vel venenatis. Sed ac mattis mi, at feugiat neque. Phasellus eget condimentum turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eget dui molestie ex rutrum tristique. Ut blandit tempor odio, eget varius turpis maximus non. Maecenas quis purus arcu. Praesent varius mauris eu nunc maximus faucibus. Curabitur tincidunt magna dui, at ullamcorper justo varius in. Ut fringilla, leo in congue tincidunt, orci urna vulputate mauris, sit amet pulvinar sapien quam non sapien. Morbi fermentum tellus sed sapien luctus tincidunt. Vivamus semper nulla a orci interdum, id malesuada nunc faucibus. Vivamus a odio commodo, efficitur leo nec, condimentum elit. Morbi vel quam porta, placerat arcu non, sodales tellus.
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